As everyone that reads my blog or even looks at my Instagram knows, I’m obssessed with cooking, specially for Aria. I create new meals and recipes weekly and it’s my favourite thing to do and is my ‘me time’. So I want to share my review on our favourite plate that we use daily. EASY TOTS... Continue Reading →


RecipesThis is a really yummy meat free curry packed full of goodness. If your looking to get your kids to eat chickpeas then this is an amazing way to do it! Ingredients: - 1 medium onion - 2 cloves of chopped/crushed garlic - 2 tbsp of Tandoori curry powder - 1 tin of Finley chopped... Continue Reading →


This is a really easy simple lunch recipe that can be given to any baby that's weaning! You can also add so much more to this recipe too and adapt it to suit your little one! Pitta Bread Pizza:  ingredients: - Two mini pitta breads  - Hummus - quarter yellow bell pepper - 4 tomatoes ... Continue Reading →


So this is something I have been BEYOND excited about! I'm a very foody person and a massive lover of food and eating at nice restaurants plus cooking from scratch! The minute Aria hit 5 months I was wanting the month to go quicker just so I could start her weaning! I had done my... Continue Reading →

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