This is really scary for me to put out there but I’m on such a mission to loose weight that I thought why not blog about it! Specially as this is my place I come to get everything out!

So here it is! My mission to lose the twin baby weight! Definitely not so easy to lose the weight second time round right? And with back to back pregnancies and the second time it being with twins I’m not sure what I was expecting – actually that’s a lie – I expected to be a 6/8 again by now the reality is that hasn’t happened and I’m having to push myself to shift the weight.


After having Aria I was back to a 6/8 by the time she was three months this time round I’m not even sure what size clothes I would be as I refuse to buy any while I look like this!

So my plan is:
– I want to lose 3 stone
– Tone up
– Be fitter
– Be healthier

Simple right???

Well no! Having a c section has left me with the horrible baggy bottom tummy which still has no feeling in it and is painful! But my plan is that by summer I will be where I want to be or at least happy enough to look in the mirror without wanting to cry!

So hear it goes ..

Current weight: 11.3 🤢
Goal weight: 8.5
Clothes size aim: 6/8

Hop along my journey with me while I post pictures and let you know how I’m getting on and if you have a tips on how to lose weight while having no time for gym and exercise with 3 babies to look after let me know!

This is a huge deal to me and I’m scared to share where I’m at but I’m so determined to hit my goals.

‘Don’t wish for it, Work for it!’

Claire 💋


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